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Check those boobs out!


When ‘screen time’ saves lives

We’re not talking about planning your next boxset binge, but spending more time behind your shower screen. Almost half of UK women don’t check for early signs of breast cancer and we worked with our client MERLYN and the Pink Ribbon Foundation to change that.

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Check them out!

The #MySancturary campaign promotes self-care and urges people to use their time in the shower to check for early warning signs.

In the words of Lisa Allen, the Pink Ribbon Foundation’s Head of Corporate Partnerships:

“Showering is one of the best times to check your breasts. In fact, it’s the most common place that women pick up on any changes to their bodies.”

What to look for
Many women are not sure what to look out for, so the Pink Ribbon Foundation has created a simple image - see above.

Creating #MySanctuary

As part of the campaign, MERLYN also worked with a number of influencers to get some hints and tips on how to create the perfect home sanctuary.

Designers Jo Love, Mia Horton and Emma-Louise Hood shared their advice in the My Sanctuary series.

MERLYN also put together their five top tips for creating the time, space and optimum setting for some all-important self-care and self-checking here.

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