Welcome to Hattrick’s Net Zero ‘talking heads’ series - ‘Climate Conversations’
Although we’re incredibly passionate about what we do, combating climate change can, at times, feel like a drop in the ocean. But, by combining our individual droplets, we can make an ocean - and oceans are powerful.
This is an inspiring ethos upheld by a network that firmly believes in the transformative power of collectivity; The Better Business Network. Spearheaded by their ever-determined Founder, Hannah Cox, their community creates a space for like-minded organisations - from the self-employed to big business - to join forces and use their combined skills as a force for good.
From pastry-powered meet-ups to eye-opening workshops, members have access to a whole range of resources, which helps so many find the motivation to keep pushing. Including ourselves!
So, how does Hannah do it? And where does she find her motivation? Read on to find out.